The Metro Film Festival is now MONTHLY! Yes, that’s right we’re not the ordinary Fest that takes your money, throws a party, and then leaves you hanging till the next year. The Metro Film Festival‘s main thrust is to get your film or TV-show publicized. Therefore, we examine entries every month.
This year we’re expanding into new platforms across the globe, Over the Air (Antenna TV) and on new Connected TV platforms. Look for us on other Platforms like RlaxxTV (See also Whale Eco in Europe/Asia/Africa.)
More about the Fest…
For all the details, we prefer that you jump on over to the Festival site and read about what the Metro Film Festival has been up to for the last 7 years, click on over to: FilmFreeway. We accept most films and TV shows, and you may ask for a Entry Fee Waiver too.
If you’d like links to our Channels on Roku and Amazon Fire TV, then visit or go directly to one of my fav’s: The Movie Network on Roku, the link is below.
And here’s our largest channel on ROKU, Movies Plus – since 2015:
Please note that if your browser opens up the Roku pages to a “GB” or other foreign territory like Germany then Roku is determining that you are located outside of the U.S. It’s a matter of “IP” addresses and technical mumbo-jumbo. Anyway, look for the number of ratings — we have about 2,000 Ratings on the Roku USA website.
Since 2015, we’ve enjoyed a large following, and now we have over 6,500 (four star) ratings, and we’re still delivering Hollywood and Indie content. Most videos are “live” (aka FAST style.) In this manner you can enjoy watching in couch mode, 24/7. We also feature numerous videos from our film festival. Just scroll to the section that features VOD Festival Favorites and Indie films. Click below to add it to your Amazon Fire TV device.
Per October 2023: We no longer use Google Play Store for our Android App presence. We’re moving towards Apple cell phone apps, and when/if our Droid app is published again, then you’ll see the link herein. The UP SIDE IS…We’ve established ourselves on more platforms, which means your content is eligible for distribution to viewers in Europe, Asia, and Africa via our RlaxxTV channel, and worldwide via our Roku and FireTV channels.
PS: If I have neglected to mention this already, I meetup with fellow filmmakers in Hazel Park (the new location on John R, see the event listed on Facebook.) It’s called the Royal Starr Community Film Mixer. Meetings are usually every 2nd Tues of the month (except during Holidays.)
I also produce films and TV-shows for my network of OTT channels. If you would like to produce a movie or TV-show in the Metro Detroit area, then by all means give me wink over at
Cheers, and happy filmmaking and watching!
If you’re Dean Lachiusa, curator for the Fest and TV-Apps, then login to the dashboard. Have fun!